Things That Will and Will Not Be Included On This Blog
Things That Will and Will Not Be Included On This Blog I'm going to just take a moment to say what kind of information I want to put on this blog. Just so people understand what they can find on here and what they won't find. Things that are included here are: The first and last name of the faketriot publicly known The city that they usually operate in The bad things that they have done in public. If available, where they work, only so people can report them to their boss. There's a good list of things that I would not include on my report entries here and these are: Things that will not be listed on this site. Home addresses Personal or work phone numbers Email addresses Social security numbers Family Members (unless a specific family member acts as a duo in being faketriots, however their family members that don't do this kind of thing will not be listed) These are things that I see as doxing, doxing is something I don't stand for. People have gotten swatted by ...